Sex Is the New Prozac

dancing, DJ, dating, sex, make out, prozac, friends, friendship, crying, bar, night out, tears, prozac, depression, sad

I consider myself a damn good friend, so when I missed my friend’s very first DJ-ing event I felt like crap.  I had committed to being there, had every intention of following through, but ended up taking too long at the pre-game bar with other friends and missed the entire show.  Obviously, my presence was not a “make it or break it” scenario, but I’m a better friend than what my actions showed and it wasn’t cool of me.

So, what did I do?

I got super dramatic and upset with myself and huffed out of the bar before I started crying.  My said curt good-byes to my sweet friends as I’m not a big crier and it wasn’t the right scene.  So, imagine me at midnight on a muggy, but otherwise gorgeous night, walking alone in a rougher area of town to my car which was about a mile away at the DJ concert venue (SEE – I was totally planning to go there which is why I’d parked all the way over there).  I wasn’t ugly crying, but definitely had some tears flowing down my cheeks and was in the middle of berating myself, “Ugh, how could you miss it?  It was his first performance.  You should have known better.  You shouldn’t have gone out before.  You should have kept a better eye on the time.”

There I was should-ing all over myself when I glanced up for a quick scan of my surroundings to make sure I wasn’t about to get raped and/or murdered.  Low and behold, there was a man about 15 feet in front of me.  He didn’t seem rapey/murdery (whatever that means), but did have gorgeous shapely calves and sexy tattoos.  Hold everything.

My negative self-talk immediately pivoted into strategy mode.  Wiping tears and the inevitable tear-induced mascara smears away as best I could, I fluffed my already humidity fluffed hair and plotted my next move.  The universe stepped in and he must have felt my gaze because he turned around and looked at me.  Ooooh, his face was handsome too.  Just as I was wondering if he was gay, I noticed his stride slowed a bit and I knew he was interested.

As luck would have it, the next street had a red light so we were stuck on the corner together waiting to cross.  “Were you just at Quarter Bar?” He asked.  “Uh, yeah.  I was” I responded hoping I didn’t have awkward tear stains on my face.  “Nice.  I noticed you there” he said with a smile.

The rest was history.  We walked together laughing and feeling each other out.  I passed my car and we went together to the concert venue to apologize to my DJ friend.  He bought me a drink and we dirty danced late into the night.  Sweaty, smiling, and exhausted I drove him home where we made out in my car.  The sex vibe was powerful and I have zero qualms about first date sex, but I had an early morning and I guess that wasn’t even technically a date.

The night was nothing like I’d expected, but I now know that if sexual energy could be bottled it would take Prozac off the market within 24-hours.  And, we have plans to meet up on Thursday.



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