Everyone who comes into our life I believe, teaches us something. I have found that dating is no exception to this. The first man I dated post-divorce taught me one very important thing that I needed to learn before embarking on a dating journey, so it was perfect timing for him to be the teacher of this. What did he teach me you might ask? He taught me that I’m sexy. Yes, very sexy in fact, which was so weird to me as all I saw when I looked in the mirror were imperfections.
My thighs jiggle too much, my lower abs post two C-sections leave much to be desired, I was thinking if I decide to have sex with anyone again it’s going to be with the lights off and he’d have to be liquored up. But, this man sent me a text every morning without fail, “good morning sexy”. Huh?! Who you talkin’ to I thought?? But it sure made me smile, and every night “sweet dreams sexy”. After weeks of this I started to believe it. The voice of my ex telling me how unattractive I was became fainter and fainter with all of this man’s compliments. Until one day I felt so damn sexy when I gave myself to him I didn’t care if the lights were on or off, or what I looked like in that crazy position he put me in. Yum!
After that day, I started paying attention to how men reacted to me. They smiled and I started making eye contact. The more confident I was, the more intrigued they were. I stopped looking at all the parts of my body that weren’t my favorite and started focusing on the ones that I loved. I started doing nice things for myself, which made me feel even sexier. This was the most amazing cycle I could have started for myself.
I learned from him that I AM SEXY! He thought so, and now I know so. And, even when I wasn’t feeling sexy I acted like I was on top of my sexy game. You would be surprised how many people buy it when you’re selling it. No one has to know you aren’t feeling it that day! So with my new found confidence in my level of sexy, I started dating in a whole new sexy light! If you are getting divorced, single and considering dating, or hell if you’ve been in a relationship for years and aren’t feeling sexy there is no better time than now to get on that sexy train because it feels amazing!