New Year’s Eve is always a bit of a gamble, but this particular NYE was sure to be interesting. A friend and I landed from an international flight at 9:30pm and were picked up by none other than GTT (see: Thank you, Next). The three of us headed straight over to a my fabulous friend’s house party. We tried to fit in with the glitz and glamour, but our travel outfits paled in comparison to the ample number of sequins in the room.
GTT mingled with the crowd and it was interesting to see him in this part of my world. He was cautious about physical interaction with me and I wasn’t sure if it was because he was letting me take the lead on my turf or if he was over our physical connection. We had champagne in hand and when the countdown hit midnight I hugged my friends and him, but we only kissed on cheek. Hmmmmm. Not the passionate NYE smooch I was hoping for. . .
Five minutes later he went to the bathroom. I waited for him to come out and pulled him aside. “I think we should fuck in the bathroom,” I told him. “What? Now?” he asked with raised eyebrows. I pushed him back into the bathroom and we proceeded to bring in 2019 with a bang. We walked out as subtly as possible, but avoided eye contact for the next several minutes.
For some reason, this bathroom sexcapade made me want him even more. His downness for my sexual whims was a major turn on. We left the house party for a fancy hotel party where we danced together to latin music and could hardly wait to rip the clothes off each other when we got home.
I woke up with smudges on my fridge, scrapes all up my spine, a hickey on my ear, blood on my kitchen floor, clothes strewn everywhere and most of my house in disarray. We celebrated surviving our wild night of debauchery with cleansing shower sex.
This man is dangerous. He is smart, kind, driven, compassionate, calm, and sexy as hell. I have feels for him to the point that I sent an SOS message to Sugar telling her I was in trouble. I don’t know how this will play out, but I hope to have sex in many more bathrooms with this man. Is that gross or weirdly romantic? I don’t even care at this point. He’s so hot, I’d probably fuck him in a garbage can.