There’s a new beard in my life. And, it happens to be attached to a lovely man. And, this lovely man happens to love being on the giving end of oral sex. To be honest, I feel a bit like an all-you-can-eat buffet when I’m around him and it is awesome.
I’ll admit, I’ve been super lucky to have been with men who enjoy eating pussy. If you remember from Bi the Way. . . I’m Queerious, you’ll recall that some really – REALLY – great oral sex got me interested in becoming bisexual. Or, at least, heteroflexible. This man loved eating me out so much that I felt like I was missing out on that side of enjoyment. Now that I’ve tried it a few times, I realize how fun it is (see: Adult Breakfast In Bed & Bi The Way: I Lost My Vaginity) and how I shouldn’t ever feel guilty for letting a partner indulge their craving for my lady parts.
Many people – especially women – have issues around receiving. We’ve been taught to be givers, not to be selfish, to be ‘martyr-like’ in our caregiving of others. This often translates to the bedroom where women’s pleasure may be deprioritized at best and blatantly ignored at worst. Oral sex is simply one example of how this gender differentiation can occur. Blow jobs are considered a standard sex act, whereas eating pussy is considered more extreme. Plus, many women have insecurities about how they smell, how their labia are organized, if their pubic hair is up to the current trends. . . and this background noise makes it hard to relax into pleasure.
I’ve done my own self work on receiving pleasure and am happy to report that I am very, very good at it now. I’ve also been lucky enough to have eaten pussy myself, so I know from personal experience that is is super enjoyable on the other end of things. Giving and receiving are both pleasurable. BUT you know what makes all this pleasure even better? A beard and a sturdy jaw line to sit on.
This new guy had both available and happily offered me a seat on his face. The beard added a delicious texture and the position allowed for a kind of domineering reception of pleasure. I think we both felt that we had the better view watching the other’s experience. He looked so sexy laying on his back, looking up at me with his piercing greyish-green eyes. His unapologetic desire and enjoyment heightened the experience to the point that the lines between giver and receiver blurred completely.
We shared many beautiful and sexy moments during our time together and I look forward to hopping on that bearded seat in the very near future. And, to the future women who will sit on my face, I apologize in advance for the lack of beard but I promise I have a very, very sturdy jaw line.